It is essential that you keep a record of all important information in one place. The record should have the following information:
- Personal information for you and your family such as S.I.N., address and phone number,
- List of professional advisors such as your accountant, lawyer, banker, trust company,
- Banking information including debit cards and credit cards,
- Real estate and pension plans, insurance policies,
- Powers of Attorney for financial and personal care,
- Location of important documents,
- Location of Will and any funeral arrangements,
- Know the location where your spouse keeps this information,
- Labelled keys,
- Electronic passwords.
The RBC Dominion Wealth Management document, “The Family Inventory” can be used to help you keep track of those items.
Access the Family Inventory here

You will find this inventory a useful reference when creating or updating your financial plan. It will help you step back and look at your overall financial situation and ensure you have considered all aspects of your financial affairs.
Completing this inventory is also a first step in developing your estate plan. It will help you ensure that all assets are accounted for and considered, and that beneficiaries are taken care of. An up-to-date inventory will prove invaluable to your surviving heirs, executors, trustees and advisors as your estate is settled.
You should update this document whenever significant changes in your family’s financial status occur. Due to the level of detail and personal information, be sure to keep the information safe and secure by, for example, adding password protection to your soft copy and storing any printed copies in your safety deposit box.